
Animation of AR12585 Ha 3rd September 2016

Animation of AR2585, plus filament and prominences. Scope: Lunt LS60THa/B1200CPT, 2x Barlow Camera: ZWO ASI174MM, FireCapture Mount: Sky-Watcher NEQ6, EQMod Processing: AutoStakkert! 2, PixInsight 1.8, best 25% of 500 frames, 31 frames, 30s intervals. Date: 3rd September 2016, 08:34 – 09:19BST (07:34 – 08:19UT)

AR12585 Ha 3rd September 2016

Great view this morning with prominences, filaments, sunspots and plages. Scope: Lunt LS60THa/B1200CPT, (2x Barlow for close-up images) Camera: ZWO ASI174MM, FireCapture Mount: Sky-Watcher NEQ6, EQMod Processing: AutoStakkert! 2, PixInsight 1.8, best 75% of 500 frames Date: 3rd September 2016, 08:04 – 08:21BST (07:04 – 07:21UT)

AR12565/67 Ha 17th July 2016

Seeing was not so great this afternoon, but I took the first decent opportunity since May to grab these: Scope: Lunt LS60THa/B1200CPT, 2x Barlow Camera: ZWO ASI174MM, FireCapture Mount: Sky-Watcher NEQ6, EQMod Processing: AutoStakkert! 2, PixInsight 1.8, best 25% of 500 frames Date: 17th July 2016, 15:11BST (14:11UT)

Another Mercury Transit Image

Another Mercury transit image.  I’ve adjusted my processing routine to add MLT to the process, and trying out a different false colour scheme. Scope: Lunt LS60THa/B1200CPT Camera: ZWO ASI174MM, FireCapture Mount: Sky-Watcher NEQ6, EQMod Processing: AutoStakkert! 2, PixInsight 1.8, best 75% of 500 frames Date: 9th May 2016, 13:48BST (13:48UT)

Transit of Mercury, 9th May 2016

Mercury begins its transit across the face of the sun. Scope: Lunt LS60THa/B1200CPT Camera: ZWO ASI174MM, FireCapture Mount: Sky-Watcher NEQ6, EQMod Processing: AutoStakkert! 2, PixInsight 1.8, best 25% of 500 frames Date: 9th May 2016, 12:14BST (11:14UT)

AR12541/42/43 Ha 8th May 2016

Detail from yesterday. Scope: Lunt LS60THa/B1200CPT, 2x Barlow Camera: ZWO ASI174MM, FireCapture Mount: Sky-Watcher NEQ6, EQMod Processing: AutoStakkert! 2, PixInsight 1.8, best 25% of 1,000 frames Date: 8th May 2016, 09:31BST (08:31UT)

Sun – AR12535/36/38 Ha 30-05-2016

A close up from Saturday.  Looks like I am getting some banding with the 2x Barlow so may need to start taking flats. Scope: Lunt LS60THa/B1200CPT, 2x Barlow Camera: ZWO ASI174MM, FireCapture Mount: Sky-Watcher NEQ6, EQMod Processing: AutoStakkert! 2, PixInsight 1.8 Date: 30th April 2016, 08:41BST (07:41UT) Frames: Best 15% of 1,000 Frames

Sun, Full Disk Ha – 30-04-2016

A couple of interesting plages today – the white areas to the lower centre and at the 8-O’Clock position. Scope: Lunt LS60THa/B1200CPT Camera: ZWO ASI174MM, FireCapture Mount: Sky-Watcher NEQ6, EQMod Processing: AutoStakkert! 2, PixInsight 1.8, Gimp 2.8 Date: 30th April 2016, 08:30BST (07:30UT) Frames: Best 25% of 1,000 Frames

Sunspot Animation (AR2529) in Ha 17th April 2016

A week on, AR2529 is still going strong, but about to disappear behind the solar limb. (Click image for full-sized version). Scope: Lunt LS60THa/B1200CPT, Meade 2x Barlow Camera: ZWO ASI174MM, FireCapture Mount: Sky-Watcher NEQ6, EQMod Processing: AutoStakkert! 2, IMPPG, PixInsight 1.8, Gimp 2.8 Date: 17th April 2016 Frames: Best 25% of 500 Frames, 30 seond intervals